Saturday, January 2, 2010

Krazy Korean Kat Lady!

That right...moving to Korea has made me even more of a crazy cat lady.
Koreans have a love/hate relationship with cats, seriously.
They believe that cats have evil spirits inside of them; however, they use cats in many items and advertisements.

Here are some of my cat items I have acquired here in Korea.

Even my students know I'm crazy about cats.
From left to right: Jetoy postcards, cat coasters, big cat sticker on my wall, cat stationary, cat pen, Christmas cards from my students, cat calendar, and a picture of my baby kitty Scuddle (Boy Cat).

I call my room the Crazy Cat Lady room :) Check it!

I do miss my baby kitties back home...but I think being surrounded by 'cats' has helped me cope with not being around them! Thanks again Daniel for taking in my kitties!!! :)

Last but not least, the "Apple Cat Restaurant."
That's right, a restaurant that has cats that live in it...
I will visit this place, however, I will not be eating there!

1 comment:

  1. are the cats also the main course at this eatery?
